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Mrs Charles-Jones
Avon Class

Welcome to Avon Class!

Our day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm

PE is every Tuesday morning - please wear full PE kit to school.

Outdoor Learning is every Friday- (bring wellies!)

Please make sure book bags are bought into school each day.

A water proof coat and a drinks bottle (with water only) are also essential.


A little bit about me


1. My favourite Film is.... 

Home Alone (I LOVE Christmas!)


2. My favourite Author/Book is.... 

Oliver Jeffers- Lost and Found


3. My favourite Music Playlist is... 

A mixture of music I have discovered over the summer at festivals


4. When I’m not at work you will find me... 

 At the beach either walking my dog, Dora, or falling off of a surfboard!


5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...

Croatia, it is beautiful!


6. My favourite food is...

fajitas with ALL the sides! 


7. Three words I would use to describe myself... 

Kind, organised and friendly



Welcome to our class

Art week: Drawing


The children in Avon class have been busy working on their drawing skills. They have explored a range of different drawing materials and have experimented with different ways of making marks including shading and epxloring tone. We focused on the artist, Edward Lear, who was known for drawing fossils. This linked perfectly to our new topic, 'Dinosaur Planet'! As our final piece we designed and drew our own journal covers. It has been a great start to their Art journey in Avon! 

Racehorse Visit


We were lucky enough to meet a racehorse this week at school! The trainers talked to us about the horse's racing history and how they look after him. We got to try on jockey silks which we really enjoyed! It was fantastic to meet such a wonderful and calm horse, and we all loved giving him a stroke! Thank you to Mrs Gardner for sorting this excellent experience for us all!

Science Investigation


This week in Science, Avon Class have been learning about materials, their uses and how they can be changed. 

All the children really enjoyed taking part in our class Jelly bean experiment!

Each child followed the steps we planned out together and recorded their prediction, method and conclusion in their science books. 


Christmas Tree Festival


Avon Class enjoyed their visit to South Molton Parish Church to see the Christmas Tree Festival. It was brilliant to see the different trees from around our community all displayed. We made our own clay decorations and decorated them. We had a great time!


South Molton Community Primary School

8:40am - 3:15pm

North Road, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3BA England


Telephone: 01769 572198


Headteacher - Mr T Parkin

General enquiries - Mrs P Lucas / Mrs J Kingdon

School Business Manager - Mrs K Herbert

SENDCo - Miss E Yeo

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