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Mrs Charles-Jones
Avon Class

Welcome to Avon Class!

Our day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm

PE is every Thursday morning - please wear full PE kit to school.

Outdoor Learning is every Friday- (bring wellies!)

Please make sure book bags are bought into school each day.

A water proof coat and a drinks bottle (with water only) are also essential.


A little bit about me


1. My favourite Film is.... 

Home Alone (I LOVE Christmas!)


2. My favourite Author/Book is.... 

Oliver Jeffers- Lost and Found


3. My favourite Music Playlist is... 

A mixture of music I have discovered over the summer at festivals


4. When I’m not at work you will find me... 

 At the beach either walking my dog, Dora, or falling off of a surfboard!


5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...

Croatia, it is beautiful!


6. My favourite food is...

fajitas with ALL the sides! 


7. Three words I would use to describe myself... 

Kind, organised and friendly


Welcome to our class

Art week: Drawing

The children in Avon class have been busy working on their drawing skills. They have explored a range of different drawing materials and have experimented with different ways of making marks. They even found ways to draw outside with natural materials! The children explored different portraiture art, and had opportunities to talk about how they feel when looking at their artwork. We also focused on the skill of self portraiture and how to set out facial features. 


They used their skills to draw portraits of some of the famous people they will be finding out about in Topic lessons this term where we are focusing on "Movers and Shakers". It has been a great start to their Art journey in Avon! 

Shape poetry

For this term's no-electricity day, we explored writing shape poetry. We decided to choose 'Autumn' as a theme for poems as it linked to our school value of 'Nature' and also there were lots of different, crunchy leaves outside for us to explore. We enjoyed looking at the colours outside on the trees, and on the ground and used our different senses to help write our poems. Take a look at some of our poems below!

DT project

For our DT project this term, we have enjoyed exploring making bunting. We began by selecting natural materials outside which we threaded onto string. We then started to design and create our decorations for the school Christmas tree later on in the term. We recorded our designs into our Art and Design books, and spent time setting out what we wanted our decorations to look like and the materials that we would need. Take a look at our creations below!

Community visit: Christmas Tree Festival

The children in Avon Class really enjoyed going out into the local community to see the annual Christmas Tree Festival at the church. We saw so many fantastic Christmas trees and we enjoyed trying to find our own school tree with our homemade decorations on! We all walked very sensibly and had the best time! We have been exploring Christmas in our RE sessions this term, and have spent time talking about different traditions around the world. We know that Christmas trees originate from Germany!

Music lesson

The children in Avon Class have been exploring Glockenspiels in their music session this week! We explored different rhythms and then started to learn to play 'Row, row, row your boat' and we did so well! We are looking forward to practising this more and performing it to other children in the school soon.

Independent writing

Children in Avon class have been working really hard on their information text writing this term. We have spent lots of time exploring high-quality texts and looking at key features to help improve our writing. We also chose different animals to write about and inform the reader about key facts and information. Take a look at some examples of our amazing work!

Farm talk

Avon class were lucky enough to have a live video lesson from a real farmer! As it is Science week we had the opportunity to learn about farms, farm animals and what it is like to be a farmer. We were shown how they prepare crops, grow pumpkins and what feed different animals need. We had the chance to ask our questions too and we typed our ideas in the chat with lots of other schools too. Thank you to Mrs Gardner for organising a great experience!

Farm talk

On Wednesday 25th June Year 2 went to Westward Ho! and Northam Burrows for an exciting trip! We had a fantastic time exploring the visitor centre and we also created beach artwork with chalks and sticks. After we enjoyed a lunch in the sunshine, we travelled to the other end of the beach to do some rock pooling. We had an amazing time looking for different sea creatures, including crabs, limpets and sea snails. What a fantastic day in the sunshine!


South Molton Community Primary School

8:40am - 3:15pm

North Road, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3BA England


Telephone: 01769 572198

Headteacher - Mr T Parkin

General enquiries - Mrs P Lucas / Mrs J Kingdon

School Business Manager - Mrs K Herbert

SENDCo - Miss E Yeo

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