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Mr Tzen
Dart Class

Welcome to Exe Class!

Our day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm

PE is every Wednesday morning (come in PE kit) - Outdoor Learning is every Thursday (bring wellies!)

Please make sure book bags are bought into school each day.  A waterproof coat and a drink bottle (with water only) are also essential.  

Home Learning - try to read 5x a week, and homework will be posted on the Google Classroom every Tuesday   

Come and chat to any of the adults in class if you have any questions or anything we need to know, thank you! 


A little bit about me


1. My favourite Film is.... 

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


2. My favourite Author/Book is.... 

Becoming Wild by Carl Safina, or maybe Centennial by James A Michener


3. My favourite Music Playlist is... 

I've made too many to choose from! 


4. When I’m not at work you will find me... 

exploring on foot or in our Land Rover, meeting up with friends, listening to music or in the sea!


5. The place I would most like to visit in the world is...

anywhere around the Himalayas. 


6. My favourite food is...

either Enchiladas or Pizza, but I'm really not fussy.


7. Three words I would use to describe myself... 

Empathetic, patient and energetic. 



Kylie Barker, Teacher of the Deaf


Dart Class were lucky enough to have a visit from Kylie Barker who works with pupils in our school. When Mr Tzen mentioned that we were learning about Human Senses in Science, Kylie offered to join us for a morning to teach us about loss of hearing, as well as an introduction to some British Sign Language. We worked on a few key words, like 'thank you' and colours, as well as some of the alphabet. Test us and see how well we are remembering our new BSL skills! 


Sensory Walk to the Woods and the Christmas Tree Festival

Linking up our learning about our local environment, our learning about the senses and our excitement for Christmas, Dart Class took a stroll! We first visited the icy cold woods to see what we could see, hear, smell and feel, before heading to the church where we were so impressed by all the beautiful, festive decorations. Thanks again to all of the adults who came and helped us to stay safe and enjoy our first class trip, as well as to the children who were so well behaved and kept going, despite the freezing conditions! 


Interviewing a baby

Dart Class have been learning about life in the 1950s, as well as changes to humans as they grown, and so Mr Tzen asked his nephew Finley to pop in to teach us a few things! First, we learnt about caring for babies and we had the chance to ask Finley's mum Beth loads of questions. Then, Finley showed us some of his favourite toys, helping us to think about which toys have stayed the same since the 1950s and which ones are quite different. 


Vegetable garden update

Dart Class are getting the vegetable patch ready for winter! We have pulled out the old plants, harvested the runner beans, dug up the potatoes and now we just need to dig through some new compost. The children loved finding the potatoes - we've sent some home with the children for their dinners, and some have been kept here with us for our next Outdoor Learning session... What do you think we might use them for? 

Garden 1 2023.JPG
Garden 3 2023.JPG
Garden 2 2023.JPG

South Molton Community Primary School

8:40am - 3:15pm

North Road, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3BA England


Telephone: 01769 572198


Headteacher - Mr T Parkin

General enquiries - Mrs P Lucas / Mrs J Kingdon

School Business Manager - Mrs K Herbert

SENDCo - Miss E Yeo

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